Compiling VASP on Sun E450

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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Compiling VASP on Sun E450

#1 Post by toQDuj » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:21 am


I've encountered a problem compiling vasp 4.6 with the Sun fortran compiler on a Sun Ultra Enterprise 450 running solaris 9.

The compiler crashes with the following message:
Assertion failed: valid_expression, file ../src/module.c, line 24087
"writer.f", Line = 1, Column = 1: INTERNAL: Interrupt: Abort
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `writer.o'

The error was futher investigated, and we found that the inclusion of the module US was the cause of the error.

Did anyone ever encounter this before, and do they mayhap have a solution to this problem?


Brian Pauw, Eindhoven University of Technology
Last edited by toQDuj on Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Compiling VASP on Sun E450

#2 Post by support_vasp » Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:54 am


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,

