I am trying to compile vasp using gfortran (4.1.1) at Alpha Linux boxes. I can compile vasp sucessfully (thanks for lahaye's previous message). However, when I execute vasp, it thows out a Floating point exception to me after running tens of seconds. To check out what's happening, I look at the OURCAR file and find vasp stopped at the beginning of electronic relaxaion.
Code: Select all
$tail OUTCAR
    METAGGA=      F    non-selfconsistent MetaGGA calc.
 Electronic Relaxation 1
   ENCUT  =  300.0 eV  22.05 Ry    4.70 a.u.   5.45  5.45  5.45*2*pi/ulx,y,z
   ENINI  =  300.0     initial cutoff
   ENAUG  =  241.9 eV  augmentation charge cutoff
   NELM   =     60;   NELMIN=  2; NELMDL= -5     # of ELM steps
   EDIFF  = 0.1E-03   stopping-criterion for ELM
   LREAL  =      F    real-space projection
   LCOMPAT=      F    compatible to vasp.4.4
I turned on the FFLAG -mieee when compiling GotoBLAS, vasp.4.lib, and vasp.4.6. (I have also tried using the FFLAG -mfp-trap-mode=su, but the FPE error also exists.)
Also, if I use g95 to compile vasp, the floating point exception error haunts. But vasp went further
Code: Select all
$tail OUTCAR
 initial charge density was supplied:
 charge density of overlapping atoms calculated
 number of electron    8.0000000 magnetization
 keeping initial charge density in first step
 Maximum index for augmentation-charges  26563 (set IRDMAX)
Any sugestions and comments are appreciated.