vasp.5.2.8 on POWER6

Questions regarding the compilation of VASP on various platforms: hardware, compilers and libraries, etc.

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vasp.5.2.8 on POWER6

#1 Post by Wedig » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:35 pm

I installed vasp.5.2.8 on a IBM POWER6 machine.
Operating system: AIX 6.1.3
Compiler: xlf

I built the excecutable using makefile.ibm_hlrn_serial with slight changes:
- linking lapack and linpack from vasp.5.lib
- adding a missing $ sign in the CPP variable
CPP = /usr/ccs/lib/cpp -P -DHOST=\"SP2/3/4\" -DMPI -DUSE_ZHEEVX \
-DCACHE_SIZE=5001 -Dessl $*.F >$*$(SUFFIX)
The only problem I encountered when compiling SUBROUTINE SETDIJ_AVEC in file nmr.F. This has been changed compared to version 5.2.2 of vasp:
- Declaration of AVTOT_ from COMPLEX(q) to COMPLEX(q),POINTER
- 11th parameter in CALL SETDIJ_AVEC_ from AVTOT_ to AVTOT_(1,1) (2 times)

This leads to a severe compilation error:
1513-061 (S) Actual argument attributes do not match those specified by an accessible explicit interface.

I have changed the 11th parameter in CALL SETDIJ_AVEC_ back to AVTOT_
With this the code is compiled successfully and the program works well.

With best regards

Ulrich Wedig
Last edited by Wedig on Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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vasp.5.2.8 on POWER6

#2 Post by imcnab » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:03 pm

Thanks - that was also giving me problems on SciNet (trying for a simple linear compilation with xlf90) while using the makefile.rs6000
operating system AIX,
compiler xlf.
Last edited by imcnab on Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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