I noticed some differences between makefile.include.intel and makefile.include.oneapi in VASP 6.4.3, as shown below:
Code: Select all
werner@x13dai-t:~/Public/hpc/vasp/src/vasp.6.4.3/arch$ diff makefile.include.intel makefile.include.oneapi
< FC = mpiifort
< FCL = mpiifort
> FC = mpiifort -fc=ifx
> FCL = mpiifort -fc=ifx
< CC_LIB = icc
> CC_LIB = icx
< CXX_PARS = icpc
> CXX_PARS = icpx
Given that mpiifx is the dedicated MPI Fortran compiler wrapper for the Intel oneAPI ifx compiler, I'm curious why makefile.include.oneapi does not simply use mpiifx instead of mpiifort -fc=ifx.
Could you please explain the rationale behind this choice?
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,